Aug. 6, 2024 – Former State Bar of Wisconsin President Michelle Behnke was elected ABA President-elect at the end of the ABA’s annual meeting in Chicago on August 6.“Congratulations to Michelle Behnke on her election as American Bar Association President-elect,” said State Bar of Wisconsin Executive Director Larry Martin. “Her extensive experience in the ABA and her tenure as a trailblazing State Bar President will serve the ABA and it’s 400,000 members well.”
Behnke served as president of the State Bar of Wisconsin in 2004-05, becoming the first person of color and only the fourth woman at the time to have done so.
Behnke will become only the second Wisconsin attorney to serve as ABA president. Milwaukee attorney Carl Rix served as ABA president in 1946-47.
“I wasn’t surprised to learn of Michelle’s nomination for ABA President-elect,” Martin said. “During her legal career, Michelle has consistently stepped up to serve the legal profession and the public.
“She will bring a strong commitment to furthering justice in our country and safeguarding our democratic principles,” Martin said. “I look forward to seeing the fruits of her leadership as ABA president. Wisconsin’s legal community is proud to count her as one of our own.”
Behnke practices business law in Madison, handling mergers and acquisitions, real estate, and estate planning.
Behnke served as the ABA’s treasurer from 2017 to 2020 and recently chaired the ABA Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession. She has also served on the ABA’s Board of Directors and House of Delegates.