Wisconsin State Law Library Launches Digital Timeline of Women Lawyers
Making History: Four Ways to Celebrate 150 Years of Women in the Law
Governor Proclaims June 17, 2024, Wisconsin Women Lawyers Day
‘Little by little, but all the time, we are gaining essential rights.’
‘There is no substantial reason why women should be denied the privilege of the ballot’
‘I should like to be admitted next summer’
‘He paid me $5.00 – my first fee here.’
‘I have been the bluest and lonesomest dog you ever saw’
‘The woman who always submits wrongs the community.’
‘I love old maids!’
‘All men are commanded to repent. How significant that no women are thus commanded!’
‘Is woman’s position one of equality with man, or subjection to him?’
“If women be voted for, what shall long hinder them from voting?”
“The idea that the husband is the political representative of his wife is a fallacious one.”
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