Artificial Intelligence

Those of us who have seen the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, or are at least familiar with its famous robot named HAL, have a healthy suspicion of artificial intelligence (AI). And our fears have been validated as we watched lawyers who relied on AI to draft legal documents get sanctioned by the courts and pilloried by the broader legal community.

But it’s nearly impossible to miss the buzz around AI and the way it is creeping into
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Use of Generative AI output carries a high risk of intellectual property infringement liability, particularly with respect to infringement of copyright protected works.

In our previous Generative Artificial Intelligence 101 blog post, we highlighted the various ways in which Generative AI is unreliable and still incapable of truly replicating human work. In today’s post, we discuss another unreliable aspect of Generative AI—its rampant intellectual property infringement.

Generative AI is remarkable because of its ability to create original output without
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Generative AI productivity tools have become increasingly popular in the legal profession, offering significant potential to enhance efficiency and streamline workflows. Tools like, Zoom AI Companion, and Microsoft Teams AI Note Taker can help summarize remote meetings and transcribe conversations. But, they can also be a privacy disaster for the unwary and uneducated user as an article in this morning’s Washington Post illustrates.
Researcher and engineer Alex Bilzerian said on X last week that, after a Zoom meeting
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