Here is the latest faculty scholarship from the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Papers series vis SSRN.
- Purcell Principles for State Courts by Robert Yablon, UW Law School and Derek Clinger, UW Law School
- The Three Faces of Non-Human Rights by Alexandra Valeria Huneeus, UW Law School
- Can the Inter-American Court Tip Us toward Climate Justice? by Alexandra Valeria Huneeus, UW Law School
- Introduction to Latin American International Law by Alexandra Valeria Huneeus, UW Law School, Alejandro Chehtman, and Sergio Puig
- Comments on Proposed Rules Related to Poultry Grower Payments Systems and Capital Improvement Systems by Peter Carstensen, UW Law School and American Antitrust Institute
For the full text of these works and additional scholarship from UW Law faculty and staff, visit the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series on SSRN. A free email subscription is available at the top right of the page.