Do you prefer face-to-face meetings? Do you struggle getting through a phone tree or finding what you need online? Many of our clients receive Social Security Retirement benefits, Social Security Disability benefits, and various other benefits provided through the Social Security Administration (the “SSA”). Recently, Kilolo Kijakazi, the Acting Commissioner of Social Security, announced that local Social Security offices would resume in-person services on April 7,2022, including offering services to individuals without appointments. According to the SSA’s Closing and Emergencies webpage, all offices in Wisconsin are open as of this time.

Despite the SSA opening its doors to the public again, the SSA recommends and encourages use of their services by dialing 1-800-772-1213 or their online services at and my Social Security. To avoid in-person delays and longer than preferred wait times, they also encourage scheduling appointments in lieu of walk-in, unscheduled appointments.

If you choose to visit your local SSA office in the near future, you can expect to find the following COVID-19 precautions: required physical distancing, masking, and self-health checks for COVID-19 symptoms.

Ruder Ware’s Elder Law and Special Needs Team is committed to providing the most up-to-date information about partner programs and legal updates that matter to you. If you or a loved one are in need of Elder Law legal services, our team is here to help.


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