The State Bar of Wisconsin Nonresident Lawyers Division (NRLD) keeps over 8,000 nonresident Wisconsin lawyers connected to the state, and provides valuable resources to lawyers as a benefit of membership.

If you reside outside of Wisconsin, you are automatically enrolled in the NRLD once you update your address with the State Bar. Though you may not be in Wisconsin, you can still stay connected and take advantage of all the State Bar has for you.

com gmail Renae Flowers, Marquette 2014, is a health care attorney with DLA Piper in Austin, Texas. She represents health care clients in a range of regulatory, compliance, and transactional matters.

The NRLD helps members stay connected to Wisconsin, and through local NRLD chapters, helps members stay connected with each other. Similar to resident members, NRLD members have access to several free resources.

Practice411: Practice Management Assistance

As a benefit of your membership in the State Bar of Wisconsin, you have access to Practice411TM, the State Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Program (LOMAP).

Practice411 offers free, individualized assistance on a wide range of practice management topics including business development, client relations, emerging software, succession planning, and more.

Free, confidential, and individualized practice consultations are available via email, telephone, video conference, and remote desktop session.

For more information, email org practicehelp wisbar wisbar practicehelp org, call (800) 957-4670, or visit the Practice411 webpage on Through the webpage, you can also access the Practice411 elist, which helps you share information, ask questions, and connect with your peers and experts regarding all areas of practice management.

Ethics Guidance

As a State Bar member, you have access to guidance and help in resolving questions regarding Wisconsin’s Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys.

There are a number of ways in which you can receive ethics guidance through the State Bar, including:

Wisconsin Lawyers Assistance Program (WisLAP)

WisLAP is a member service of the State Bar of Wisconsin that provides free confidential assistance to lawyers, judges, law students, and their families in coping with any substance abuse or dependence, mental health challenges, or other stressors which negatively impact the quality of life and the practice of law.

The program is designed to help members and their families build on their strengths and to provide support through offering services that promote physical, mental, and emotional health.

For free, confidential assistance, call the 24 hour helpline at (800) 543-2625.

For more information email org callwislap wisbar wisbar callwislap org, call (800) 543-2625, or visit WisLAP online on

NRLD Directory

The State Bar also recently launched its Nonresident Lawyers Division Directory.

NRLD members can use this directory to search for other NRLD lawyers by state and city.

To search the directory, visit the NRLD webpage on

A few locations with more than 500 Wisconsin-barred lawyers are Illinois, Minneapolis, California, Washington D.C., and Texas.

Get Involved in the NRLD

Here’s another great way to stay connected to Wisconsin and your colleages: apply to get involved in NRLD leadership. It’s easy to apply: simply email a statement of interest and photo to division liaison org msherbinow wisbar Michelle Sherbinow by Jan. 31, 2020.

To find out more, see the article on division elections in the Dec. 4, 2019, issue of InsideTrack.

Wisconsin’s NRLD

Our division provides nonresident members opportunities to stay connected and make new connections, and to build a successful practice where ever we are. Together, we make an impact on the legal community in Wisconsin, and across the U.S. and beyond.